May 04, 2020

...writer's blockdown

Unwittingly, I've stumbled into the forbidden Forest of Writer's Block, where the trees cast inky shadows that stain the ground and stick to your feet as you walk - shoes are not permitted in the forest. I don't make the rules. I'm not sure anyone does...
There's no clear path to follow. The leaves that obscure the floor are as copious as discarded pages from a notebook. Empty inkwells clink mockingly from the boughs of trees, providing a disjointed melody to walk to.

I've been in this forest before; it's dull and uninspired. The words engraved upon the trees are as nonsensical as a Lewis Carol poem. Who ever heard of a Jabberwocky? Maybe he came across one here in the Forest of Writer's Block... Maybe it was this creature that set him free.

The conventional way out: wait for inspiration to strike. A tedious and often frustrating pastime. Though when it does, I guaranteed you won't expect it. It will appear with the suddenness of a storm, glowing purple and flashing bright enough to reveal the previously concealed path's between the trees.
Ink will pour from the sky, articulate as a sonnet, filling the clattering inkwells and gathering in glossy puddles, just waiting for you to dip your nib in and begin to write...
One eloquent phrase is all it takes to set you free! Pity it's so unattainable while you wait in vain for the storm to arrive.

Indeed, I am stuck in the forbidden Forest of Writer's Block. I blame lockdown for failing to provide enough inspiration to fuel my imagination. It's been snuffed out like a candle. I condemned myself, I think. When lockdown began 42 days ago, I chose to focus on the positive, which was of course the glorious gift of time! Time to write, time to create, time to reside in the kingdom of my own invention, where THE BLOOD DRAGON so forcefully governs. I intended to roam it for a month or two, exploring to see where a sequel may lead me.
Thus far however, I've not even tripped into the realm of a title for my second book. I'm beginning to fear it will have to be known biomidically as THE SEQUEL forevermore. Not my best work, I grant you.

Never have I longed so much for a storm to clear the stagnant air from my mind and to bring with it a fresh breeze of perspective. Maybe a title will blow in with it, or better yet, a story!

I'll keep this short given that this communication is reaching you from a faraway forest in the hidden depths of Whoknowswhere. Please send help...and books...actually, just send books!

Until I return, stay safe everyone, I hope to have a less obscure blog for you next Monday...if I escape...

Zuzu 🖋

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  1. Such a beautifully descriptive take on writer's block, it's almost worth it to be in this forbidden forest. You certainly didn't have writer's block here, your words just flow ...

  2. Thank you for this! I don't think I've ever had such trouble coming up with a blog topic, but once I acknowledge writer's block, it became a fluid subject matter and, frankly, easy to write about and share!
