June 15, 2020

...howling at the moon

If you're awake to bear witness, you'll know me as a creature of the night, for whom productivity flourishes between the hours of 9pm to 3am. I know that this is the time I can sit at my desk and tap away at laptop keys undisturbed by the world, knowing that most distractions have been removed by the unsociable hours I keep. Just me and the moon, and the beautiful silence that its beams cast over the world at 3am, that can often trick the mind into thinking you're the only person on the planet that's still awake.

As a solitary soul, it works for me. I'm a lone wolf, howling despair at the moon when I can't find the words, and howling victory when they suddenly come together, as if presented to me by the moons unique magick.

It's at this late hour that I feel most at one with the world I've created in my stories. Darkness is such a crucial part of THE BLOOD DRAGON, and it creates the most introspective setting for writing.

Today, after a very long unwanted break, I'm finally writing again, resuming my chiselling to sculpt the sequel to THE BLOOD DRAGON (still informally known as THE SEQUEL until inspiration strikes).
The setting of the sequel has evolved, and I wonder if the darkness will no longer feel fitting to write in. The seasons are becoming increasingly important in all my chapters, and, just like writing about the dark when its light, it suddenly feels wrong to be writing about the first snow of winter when in England it's humid with the threat of summer rain.

Since I am nocturnal by nature, I don't think I could change my hours of productivity if I tried. I'm forever cast as a 3am writer. A three cups of coffee writer. A three hours until I go to work writer. And perhaps that's for the best; for we all know, three is a magick number...

~ Zuzu

Find me in between blogs on social media @zuzuspages Instagram Facebook Twitter

1 comment:

  1. Love the whole mood of this blog, you set the mood of writing by the moon really well 💜💛xx
