April 19, 2021

...bookshops are open...restrain yourself!

Like so many fellow bibliophiles, the first thing on my "when this madness is over" bucket-list, was to hit my favourite bookshop and make up for lost time! Which inevitably would have resulted in some financial repercussions and further storage issues - my shelves are already overburdened and groan at me regularly!

Instead, I thought I'd set myself a challenge, partly to prevent myself from overzealous, frantic book buying behaviour, and secondly to support a local charity shop that happens to stock a good selection of books - Thank you Heart of Kent Hospice!

I decided I'd see how many books I could get myself for £5 or less, and of course then I got excited and wanted to share them with you, cause I found some great ones. So, please enjoy my mini book haul!

no.1 The Wicked King by Holly Black
This is actually the second novel in a series that I've been wanting to read for some time. I know I can find the first book, The Cruel Prince, from any online shop, so I thought I'd take advantage of this one being 50p and in great condition. 
The book series is called 'The Folk of the Air', and it's a YA Fantasy first published in 2018. This is 100% my genre preference, and I've heard great things, so I'm excited to start reading!

no. 2 The Glass Castle by Jeannette
This is a book I've been wanting to read since I stumbled across the film adaptation on Netflix. It's a memoir, focusing on Jeanette Walls difunctional, though strangely loyal family. She was raised by a father who drank profusely and a mother who abhorred domesticity, leaving her and her siblings to raise themselves and strive for independence from their parents. I can't wait to see how the film and the book compare!

no. 3 The Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards
The blurb of this book gave me Jodi Picoult vibes, and I love her books, so I was intrigued by this concept. 'The night Dr David Henry delivers his wife's twins is a night that will haunt five lives forever. For though David's son is a healthy boy, his daughter has down syndrome. And in a shocking act of betrayal whose consequence only time will reveal, he tells his wife their daughter died whilst secretly entrusting her to a nurse.'
I'm already hooked!

no. 4 The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Other Tales of Terror by Robert Louis Stevenson
A classic, but one I've never read. Why was I under the impression that this was a chunky read? The copy I picked up is a Penguin Classic Edition and the story itself is 70 pages long. Very readable. I might save this one for October when  I like to read such "tales of terror".

no. 5 After Me Comes The Flood by Sarah Perry
This was Sarah Perry's debut novel apparently - not an author or a book I've heard of before, which is always fun! I like discovering new voices in the literary world.
This book is sinister, phycological fiction/gothic fiction, originally published in 2014. I don't read enough of this genre, so I'm looking forward to some creepy nights of reading. Gothic fiction is an underrated category!

no. 6 Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
I may be one of the few remaining humans in the world that has neither read this book or seen the film. I also hadn't read any Jojo Moyes' books until last year, when I got my first introduction through Sheltering Rain
In case there are any fellow book readers out there who've yet to experience Me Before You in any form, it's a Romantic Fiction originally published in 2012, that brings together two people who couldn't have less in common. Supposedly the Romantic Fiction of our generation. A bold statement, but a true one if the rave reviews I've read are correct!
So there we have it. My mini #fivepoundorless haul

Let me know what you've read, your opinions, and your recommendations on which of this novels to dive into first!

Zuzu 🖋

Find me on Instagram, Facebook and Instagram @zuzuspages for more bookish content!

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