June 14, 2021

...ingredients to soothe the mind and the madness

It's only been a couple of weeks since I blogged, and yet I feel as rusty as an old key trying to open the lock to creativity. I think it's jammed tight!

In lieu of creativity, I usually offer my latest book review, or some reading recommendations - but alas, my reading progress has been grinding slow so far this month. What can I say? The tentative return to normality has claimed what was left of my mind and scrambled it beyond retrieval or hope of coherent thought. 

Anyone else just a tad overwhelmed by life getting back to normal? Show of hands in the comments! I'm certain it's not just me.

And so, through lack of creativity, I've decided to share some of my summer home-comforts and current favourites to soothe the mind and the madness in case you desire the benefits of my latest goodies!

Number one:
'Wizard's Tower' candle from Into the Realm Candle company. These are Fantasy inspired vegan candles and wax melts I found on Etsy. I treated myself to a few scents but this was by far my favourite. What I love about the creator is her passion. It shows in her descriptions of each product, where she quite literally sets the scene for her scents. This one is a violety wizard's potion wafting down the spiral staircase of a tower. 
I swear I'm not doing her candles justice! Check them out for reassurance: Into The Realm Candle Company
I change my candles up seasonally and I'm loving these as we head into summer.

Number two:
Netflix's 'Sweet Tooth'. Maybe I'm detaching myself from our world's slow recovery from a pandemic by watching a fantastical world recover from a pandemic...even slower...I'm not sure there's any sort of logic behind that thought process so don't try to follow it through, but I'm enjoying the series for a bit of escapism.

Number three:
WORK! The novelty of work after a stagnant, workless year has not yet worn off. I only wish there was more of it about to be seized, not only in my industry, but in so many others! I just want abundance for all, is that too much to ask?

Number four:
Raspberry Sorbet. My marginally healthier alternative to actual Ice Cream - or at least it would be if I wasn't devouring whole tubs at a time! I recommend SimplyIceCream's sorbet in particular - yum yum yum!

Number five:
Agnes Obel's album, Aventine. Thank you dad for always introducing me to good music! You are the cool one in the family, I concede. Too bad you don't read my blogs so you'll never know...

Number six:
Be you a crystal lover for their appearance or their properties, I recommend Marie's Crystal Healing Bags for all your crystal needs and desires! I recently commissioned a bespoke bracelet from her to help with stress, and in particular a stress related skin irritation. I'm in love with the result which amazingly incorporates Sapphire, Amethyst, Adventurine and Lepidolite to assist with Stress, Anxiety, Calming Irritation, Anxiety, Self Love and honestly so much more!
The hippy in me is crying with joy!

Number seven:
Historical Fiction. I know I said I've not been reading much recently, but of the books I have read, the majority have been in the Historical Fiction genre. Current read is Misfortune by Wesley Stace. It's turning out to be the perfect book for Pride Month, which was a happy coincidence as it was simply a book I picked up in a second hand book store and knew nothing about! I swear, best way to buy books! You find some gems!

Let me know one of your current favourites in the comments below, or something that's restored your sanity in this strangely paced world right now!
I wish upon you all the chameleon-like ability to seamlessly adapt to all changes, past and future, that might come our way!

Zuzu 🖋

Find me across social media @zuzuspages for bookish content and general writing/life updates

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