September 20, 2021

...inspire yourself

I was told recently by a life soul coach (judge away you sceptics) that creativity runs through my life. She saw writing in my future, and since I write, blog and post under an alias, I knew she was unaware of the huge influence of books and writing in my life already. She had no way of knowing I've been in a creative ditch for 16 months, uncertain how to ignite my imagination and materialise a ladder to climb out.

She told me that when I was without routine, my creativity comes to a crashing halt. TRUE. These past 16 months under the effects of the covid-world, my job has had not schedule, nor has my life. I accept work greedily when it is offered to me, and sit around impatiently tapping my fingers when it's not instead of utilising the time to write. The reason is purely lack of inspiration. I have ideas bobbing about in my brain, but lack the motivation or urgency of creativity makes it impossible to whip out a pin and nail them to the paper.

The solution, I was told, was to read my own work and let my own words inspire me; revisit my story and live for a few days in the fantasy world of my own creation. INSPIRE MYSELF. No one else was going to do it for me, and I think I've been waiting for someone or something to force my hand.

So this is a short and sweet little blog, admitting my own complacency, and offering the excuse that this last year has been a hard and weird one, but I'm done with putting my creativity on hold because of it. If I wait for the world to go back to normal, I'm stunting myself and my creativity.

This week instead of snatching moments to read the books on my shelf, I'll be snatching up old notebooks and folding myself into cosy corners, finding my inspiration between their pages!

Zuzu 🖋
Find me across social media for more bookish and writing content:

1 comment:

  1. Love this - how wonderful and here's to your inspiration embracing your mind again soon 💗💕
