October 04, 2021

...the glories of autumn

(photo featuring my adorable autumnal notebook cover handmade by Designed by Lesley-Jane, who is now my official provider of handmade bookmarks - please check out her Facebook page!)

Though the weather hasn't quite settled on the fact, it is indeed Autumn!

If you've read any of my seasonal blogs, you may have cottoned onto the fact that I like to embrace the seasons by acknowledging all the activities associated with them. And if you've never read any of my blogs...well...let's just say  I can get a bit obsessive...
I go to Christmas Tree Farms and hang lights on the outside of the house in Winter, walk amongst the blossom in Spring, and go to lavender and sunflower fields in the Summer. But without doubt, my most anticipated season will always be Autumn!

Perhaps it's because I was born in Canada where Halloween was acknowledged with decorations and trick-or-treating in the proper fashion, or perhaps it's because I grew up in the theatre and therefore have maintained a child-like excitement for dressing up in costumes. Whatever the reason, from the moment the weather gets warm, I'm on a mental countdown to Autumn Equinox when it will start to get cool again and the leaves will turn 50 shades of orange above my head.

If, unlike me, you struggle to see the glories of Autumn, allow me to help you along with a bucket list of activities:

✅ Shop for Autumn scented candles
✅ Go Apple Picking
⬜ Visit a Pumpkin Patch
⬜ Watch Spooky Films
⬜ Read Horror Books and Twisted Tales
⬜ Make my own Halloween Costume with a bookish theme
✅ Drink many Pumpkin Spice Lattes
⬜ Bake Halloween Cookies
⬜ Decorate the doorstep with a Pumpkin display
⬜ Collect and wax some Autumn leaves and make a wreath or a garland
⬜ Go to a Fright Night
⬜ Host a Halloween Party with lots of treats, blankets and movies to enjoy
✅ Find a Theatre that's doing The Rocky Horror Picture Show
⬜ Visit a Corn Maze

I've already kick started my Autumn Bucket List. Let me know if you intend to do any of these activities, or if you've got any suggestions to add to my list! Always hungry for more Autumn!!!! 

Zuzu 🖋

1 comment:

  1. Firstly, absolutely love that journal cover, so beautiful - I have to shop for one! I am looking forward to a pumpkin patch visit in a couple of weeks. Love your checklist x
