January 13, 2020

...a surreptitious little blog

Ahhh…so you've found me?
Welcome to my surreptitious little blog, Zuzu's Pages, a humble space within the confines of which I hope to share my love of books with you and tentatively introduce myself as an aspiring author...tentatively only because I am unused to calling myself such.

I am not yet a writer by profession, but at the grand old age of 26 (old soul you see), I have the equally amazing privilege of calling myself a performer. With this profession comes a deep love of words and an appreciation for all genres of storytelling, be they written, spoken, or sung. I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by eloquent language and lyrics that inspire me everyday. It's a wonderful and erratic career, and I must say it's been brilliant for building me an armour for rejection. It's protected me from all the disheartening emails you receive when you first start submitting your manuscript to agents and publishers.

I am proud to say, my first novel, THE BLOOD DRAGON, is in its second year of completion, but sadly its eighth month of rejection (a horrible, negative word for which I wish a better synonym existed).

Feedback from agents has been sparse, but when I do receive it, I snatch it up like a hungry wolf and carry it into a safe corner to savour in solitude.
When receiving positive feedback attached to a rejection, you begin to wonder what you're doing wrong. But the simple fact is that my book just wasn't right for that particular agent, and, as they tell me, they didn't feel passionate enough about it to offer me representation.
And how can I begrudge that?
I'm glad that they rejected it, because I couldn't accept representation from anyone that didn't believe in my book as wholeheartedly as I do. And I do. I truly do believe in my story, and in the fictional world that I've created. It's a wonderful one, glowing with colourful characters; its skies are crowded with witch-spirits and dragons, it's waters run deep and desolate, and it's very core sparkles with gold flecks that are indisputably magick.

Perhaps in time I will tell you more about it, and maybe even insert a couple of extracts. But until then, thank you for reading. Thank you sincerely for your interest. I'm excited by this writing project, even if it only reaches a few marvelous people.

~ Zuzu


  1. Absolutely love this and really looking forward to reading more. Your page looks amazing - good luck! xx

    1. Thank you! I'm very excited to start putting out content. I'm striving to post every Monday evening
