March 09, 2020

....updates...writing...and a tankard of coffee

This last week has been a busy one; a blur of midnight reading, and coffee, and work, and coffee, and non-writing related projects that came to a head this weekend and are now blissfully complete...and coffee...

Although I've been invested in these projects and I'm incredibly proud of how they turned out, I'm also relieved that they're over, because all weekend I've been itching over a new idea for a story; one that has been in the back of my mind for quite some time, but got pushed to the back burner while I prepared and edited THE BLOOD DRAGON for submission. Now that it's complete and on its agent seeking journey, I have a writing void that I'm desperate to fill.

This new story is still fantasy, it's a genre I elect to write in because it knows no limits, and has no restraints. But where THE BLOOD DRAGON is high/epic fantasy, this new story lingers more in the vicinity of magical realism. I've also been influenced strongly by existing fairy tales à la Christina Henry (an author of horror and dark fantasy - and a brilliant one at that!)

That's all I will commit to revealing at this point. Allow me my secrecy since I'm in the earliest of early stages of story crafting. Thus far, I have only a compilation of hastily scribbled notes, snippets of dialogue, some character profiles, and an opening chapter to show for this new book.

In true Zuzu style, there is a notebook dedicated to it's initial creation. I never type my stories up until they're essentially written and outlined on paper. For me, it's nice to keep a visual record of it's development. To have sections of writing crossed out and re-written, and scrawled drawings in the corners of pages.

Over the last few weeks the cogs of my mind have begun to grind, generating this story piece by piece. I'm so grateful that today I've had the time to start transferring it to paper!
However, since the weekend was a hectic one, this morning my mind was seriously impaired by tiredness (I confess I made things worse by reading until 2am last night!!) Cue the tankard of coffee!
Coffee = sustenance
Coffee = brain fuel
Coffee provides the pleasant buzz that leads to that caffeine driven state that allows my mind to work overtime for a couple of hours, and my hand to move faster as it tries in vain to write to the same pace that my mind thinks.

Respectfully, I'm going to keep today's blog short and sweet and hasten back to writing. I hope that as my story matures, there will be more I can reveal. A title for example! With THE BLOOD DRAGON, the title was in place from the start, but since I'm not too sure where this new story is going to lead, I didn't want to assign a title that would restrict it.
Once I settle upon something appropriate, I will reveal all...

Until then, find me on Facebook for more updates and book related info: @zuzuspages
and on Instagram, also @zuzuspages

~ Zuzu 🖋


  1. Joanne AndersonMarch 10, 2020 6:05 pm

    Exciting stuff, can't wait to

    1. Thank you so much, I can't wait to see where the story goes...not too sure how to progress at the moment, but that's what makes it exciting! x
