April 20, 2020

...(book review) green angel by alice hoffman

THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENED. Left on her own when her family died in a terrible disaster, fifteen-year-old Green is haunted by loss and by the past. Struggling to survive physically and emotionally in a place where nothing seems to grow and ashes are everywhere, Green retreats into the ruined realm of her garden. But in destroying her feelings, she also begins to destroy herself, erasing the girl she'd once been as she inks darkness into her skin. It is only through a series of mysterious encounters that Green can relearn the lessons of love and begin to heal enough to tell her story...

GREEN ANGEL by Alice Hoffman
Published: 2003
Genre: YA Fiction
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Let me begin by saying how difficult it is going to be to articulate the great swelling feelings I have about this book, because I don’t think my own words can pay suitable homage to what's caught between it's pages.

Green Angel by Alice Hoffman is a hauntingly beautiful 2003 YA fiction set in an intriguing post apocalyptic world. It's a story that I first read a few years ago, and find myself drawn to over and over again - even if it's just to flick through the pages and remember...

It's a reasonably short book and I read it in a single night, utterly devoted to Green's journey. I sat up until 4am, crying and feeling every moment until I was through. It is achingly lovely, which is a strange thing to say of a book flooded with so many dark and despairing corners, but light presses in so brightly you cannot help but feel uplifted by it.

There's a quote that says: "If you truly love a book, you should sleep with it, write in it, read aloud from it, and fill its pages with muffin crumbs." ~ Anne Fadiman. 
And this is exactly what I did! I kept this book close. I tucked it under the pillow beside me and kept it there for several days, as if doing so would somehow allow me to continue absorbing its potency whilst I slept.

I've said before that the words don’t judge a book by its cover are completely lost on me. I am a judger of the highest degree, and it is for exactly this reason that this book even fell into my hands in the first place. The design by Elizabeth Parisi and illustrations by Matt Mahurin combine to make the beautiful but modest little green book that I picked up at a library book sale roughly ten years ago now. I'm ashamed by how long it took me to read it!

I love everything about it: the decoration of the introductory pages, the cover design, the way the book is divided into sections rather than chapters, titled HEART, SOUL, TREASURE, RAIN and SISTER; all illustrated and bewitching. 

The last thing that is printed in my edition of this book reads: The author’s portion of the advance from this edition of Green Angel is being donated to The Green Angel Grant at The New York Women's Foundation 34 West 22nd Street, New York, NY 10010.
I think this made me love this book and its author even more if that's even possible. And, of course, I checked out the above link, and organization, and I am so awed by what they do.

At last, when I could be persuaded to relinquish Green Angel from my possession, I passed it on, knowing that a book this special had to be shared. I started with my mum, who sent me a message a few days later with this quote attached:
"On rare occasions there comes along a profound original, an odd little book that appears out of nowhere from the pen of some obscure storyteller, and once you have read it, you will never go completely back to where you were before. The kind of book you may hesitate to lend for fear you might miss it's company. The kind of book that echoes from the heart of some ancient knowing, and whispers from time's long forgotten cave that life may be more than it seems, and less." ~ E.J Banfield.

Although this quote does not directly reference Green Angel, it made me smile to realise that it reminded her of Alice Hoffman's book. There are many stories out there inspiring quotes like this. Books have that power to connect people. Books have magic, and this one more than most! Please, get hold of this book! Spread the gospel of it. If you are already in possession of a copy, read it if you haven’t done so already! And if you already have, read it again! Hold it close. Find it a place of honour on your bookshelf and treasure it forever!

~ Zuzu 

Until next time, find me across social media Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more updates and all things bookish...

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  1. This really is a special book and one that needs recognition. It's one of the most beautiful things I have ever read 💚 xx

    1. I'm always glad to find someone with equal appreciation for an exceptional story! Green Angel absolutely needs sharing further xx
