May 18, 2020's just another manic monday

A couple of weeks ago I blogged that I was stuck in the forest of writers block. I'm no longer stuck, though I am still tramping the edges, wearing a dent into the grass and looking longingly past the branches to the fields beyond, because I just can't justify taking time to write at the moment. It's like having a itch you don't have time to stop and scratch. Pretty darn irritating, but bearable for now.

Until I have the privilege of calling myself a published author, I've realised that there are other things I have to prioritise during lockdown - like securing an income! I'm a performer by trade, and lockdown has been detrimental for all art related industries. Obviously, performers are not key workers, and besides that everywhere that I previously performed is closed to the public. Work is non-existent and so, I've been rallying online to try and keep myself in the public eye.

As someone who's considered old-fashioned in their embrace of technology, I never thought I'd become so reliant on the internet to do business. I spend all day, every day on my laptop or phone. What has become of me? My eyes lament for the days when they weren't bombarded by glowing blue-light.

Although I'm not able to write at the moment, I'm making time to read.
Words are a balm to my brain, and books are so soothing to get lost in. The ultimate form of escapism. I'm 21 books into my self-inflicted 50 Book Challenge of 2020. Lockdown is aiding and abetting my already out of control reading addiction. My TBR pile has never been so small. What's normally a mountain has reduced to a mere tower.

I attribute my shred of remaining sanity to books. So many people are struggling mentally in lockdown, and reading gives me an allotted hour (at least) when I can stop, snuggle up with a cup of tea and the susurrus of a purring cat, and let my mind slow down enough to slip into the other worldly pages of a book.
Currently, I'm residing with the Larkin's in The Darling Buds of May by H.E Bates. Such a feel-good story, perfect for bringing comfort.

I'm going to keep this blog short, because I'm multitasking through this Monday, but you can find me across social media in between blogs: Facebook Instagram Twitter

Until next week,
Zuzu 🖋

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