December 21, 2020

...winter solstice

Happy Winter Solstice everyone! 

There's a lot going on in the world at the moment, and I, like so many others am now bracing myself for Christmas in Tier 4 restrictions. For the sake of those who don't live in England, I'll briefly explain that our government has locked down the South East and London from the 20th-30th December. Meaning we can't see anyone beyond our own household at Christmas.

I personally put a lot of stock in the holidays. Perhaps more than I should. Not as a religious affair, but as a time to be with the ones you love and show them how much you treasure them. I feel like doing so leads us into the next year with festivity and positivity. 

It's not for myself that I'm sad, but for those members of my family who live alone. They seem to be more stoic about it than I am, so perhaps I shouldn't feel sad. We intend to smother them with gifts, love and food from afar. We're dropping books and Christmas films on their doorsteps since it would be so lovely to get lost in the covid-free worlds that authors and filmmakers so brilliantly create.

The world is certainly in a strange state, but that doesn't stop the universe from making miracles. As I mentioned, today is Winter Solstice, and this evening we're waiting around to see a star which feels a little bit like the first gift of Christmas. Jupiter and Saturn are going to perfectly align to create the Christmas Star - or the Star of Bethlehem, if you so choose - which only appears every 20 years or so.

Some of you might already be aware of this, and therefore be ignoring this blog and stargazing out of windows or from gardens. And if you we're aware, and you are reading this blog, what are you still doing here? Go take a look! Hope for a clear sky!

I can't wait to catch a glimpse of something so beautiful during a time that feels so dark and hopeless. I firmly believe things can only get better. Hang in there world. And stay busy, positive and festive everyone! Especially if you're on your own this Christmas. Just think, now is the perfect opportunity to re-enact the prime minister dance scene in Love Actually - ha!

Merry Christmas blogosphere! 

Zuzu 🖋

I've been getting really festive across my socials, so make sure you're following me @zuzuspages on Instagram and Facebook

1 comment:

  1. Great writing and thank you for these festive words of positivity - a very magical blog x
