April 06, 2020

...when a cat lends a paw to the writing process

Lockdown is not ideal as I'm sure we all know, but it is essential and therefore we have to make the best of it. I can't do my usual job from home, and so, I've been left with an abundance of time to write and read and edit and generally lose myself quite happily in all things book related. Ideal, yes? Blissful, some might say. I would agree, up until the point that my cats get involved.

Above is a fairly accurate photograph of my view for the past thirteen days. This is Leo. He's a needy puss at the best of times, so having me home with him 24/7 is his dream! He's spent every waking hour making sure he is the object of my undivided attention. He's achieved this by sitting on my laptop, knocking books out of my hands and volunteering his paw as a bookmark lest I forget that he is sitting with me.

Leo's bookmark paw
Molly, my secondary hinderance, is usually indifferent to my existence until the time comes for her food. But since lockdown was put in place, she has decided my constant presence at home has deemed me worthy of her attention. She has become very "helpful", volunteering her time as a body guard for my pristine, freshly printed submission. Needless to say it's no longer in fit condition to be sent to an agent.
(Left) Lord Leo...supporting me through the writing process 
(Right) Miss Molly...on my submission
Leo...about two seconds 
before he stood on the keyboard
My sympathies to pet owners who are overcoming furry obstacles whilst trying to work from home. But as frustrating and funny as it can be, let us not forget that things have been disrupted for our pets too, and that they don't understand why. Be assured, mine have been doted on and given a great deal of extra love! They would not have it any other way, for after all, I am merely their servant!

This blog is going to be a short and sweet one because it's difficult to type with a cat attempting to drape himself across your keyboard...I wish I was kidding!

Stay safe everyone. I hope you're staying positive and keeping occupied during this bizarre and uncertain time. Fingers crossed it will all be over soon! In the meantime, I'm sticking to my usual blogging schedule of Monday's 6pm. Find me on Facebook @zuzuspages and Instagram @zuzuspages in between blogs for writing updates and all things bookish!

Zuzu 🖋

#lockdownreadinglist #author #zuzuspages 

1 comment:

  1. Joanne AndersonApril 07, 2020 3:20 pm

    So funny that Leo will not be left out, he should be a blogger in his own right. I especially love the paw bookmark ��
